The Buzz

Marlea Taylor – “You guys in Bonnie Brae have a good thing going…pride of place. Mosaics just make it look more like home.”

Ted Lesko – “I am impressed with the overall quality of the artwork. They are all well done and certainly contribute to the appeal and warmth of the neighborhood. Every artist has his or her own vision and the mosaics affect each viewer differently. Such is art, I guess.”

Dave Mosely – “There are no expectations when walking down an alley – what a surprise to find artwork!”

Wes Munsil – “It’s such an innovative and creative way to bring yet more beauty to Bonnie Brae.”

Donna Mosely – “What a great way to become good friends with neighbors you might not otherwise meet. The resulting artwork is a side bonus and encourages maintaining cleaner alleys.”

Greg VanBuskirk – “Robert Frost, the wonderful poet, had it all wrong. Fences don’t make good neighbors………It’s “alley art” that makes good neighbors.”

Kurt & Rachel Davis – “This is fantastic! Where do we start?”

Erin O’Brien – “One more thing that makes our neighborhood special.”